Chinese New Year

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Embedding Meta tags to Blogspot

How to Add Meta Tags and Meta Description to Individual Blogger Posts?

by Guest on Oct. 2nd 2009

Adding Dynamic Meta Tags And Description to Blogger
In case you are desperately trying out to get more visitors to your blog, and none of your efforts seems to make it happen this is a blogger hack you definitely should try it out.
By default blogger templates are not SEO optimized in many ways and one of them is Meta description and Meta tags of your blog. If you take a closer look at every post you write, you will quickly realize that all of your articles share the same Meta tags and descriptions, no matter what you write about, be that a technology article or a blogging tip. So when Google crawls your blog and indexes your posts, it will see the same descriptions for all of them, much like you were having several instances of the same post, instead of completely different articles.
To solve this problem you should add dynamic Meta tags and descriptions to every post you write including those from the past. By doing so, you will tell Google exactly what every article is about and consequently your posts are going to rank much higher with Google. Personally after having implemented this blogger hack, I saw an increase by 300%.
Now the sweetie part. Below is the code you should use to implement dynamic Meta tags and description to every post. Find this line in your blog “<title><data:blog.pageTitle/></title>” (without quotes) and paste the following code just below it:
<b:if cond=’data:blog.url == &quot;URL OF YOUR POST&quot;’>
<meta content=’INSERT YOUR DESCRIPTION’ name=’description’/>
<meta content=’INSERT YOUR KEYWORDS’ name=’keywords’/>
<!– place future descriptions and keywords here –>
Now you will have to insert the URL of your post, Meta tags and descriptions to this code.
Repeat this for all other posts, and insert the code over the line which says “place future descriptions and keywords here” So every time you do this there will always be that last line of code waiting for another dynamic Meta tags and descriptions.
Repeat this for every post you wrote, including your home page. Wait a few weeks and you will notice a sudden traffic increase from search engines such as Google, Yahoo and many more.

How to Add Meta Tags to Blogger(Blogspot)?

by Aditya on January 7, 2009

I have already written about Meta Tags which gives a clear concept of what are met tags and how can they help in Search Engine Optimization. A blogger contacted me asking how to add meta tags like meta keywords, description etc. to a blog. Then I repented that I did not mention about adding meta tags in that post. However, in this post I will tell you step by step procedure of adding meta tags to a blog. I have also included illustrations where necessary. Hope you like this blog post. So without any further talks, let’s get started on our business.

Adding Meta Tags To Blogger(Blogspot)

1. Login to your account.
2. Click on ‘Layout’ and select ‘Edit HTML’ tab.
m1 How to Add Meta Tags to Blogger(Blogspot)?3. Search for the following code:
<b:include data=’blog’ name=’all-head-content’/>
4. Now place the following code just below <b:include data=’blog’ name=’all-head-content’/>
<meta content=’DESCRIPTION HERE‘ name=”description”/>
<meta content=’KEYWORDS HERE‘ name=”keywords”/>
<meta content=’AUTHOR NAME HERE‘ name=”author”/>

Now just change ext in red with your own text. ‘Keywords’ meta tag can have any number of keywords.
Analyzing Meta Tags
Adding meta tags to your website/blog is not enough. You should check if they are proper. Meta Tag Analyzer can be used for this purpose. I use web based meta tag analyzer from SEOCentro. It does not require you to register. Just fill your website URL and anti-spam code and you will be produced with a ‘Meta Tag Analysis Report‘ (see the image below).
m2 How to Add Meta Tags to Blogger(Blogspot)?
You should have meta tags relevancy more than 90%. If it is not so, try changing your meta tags content. Please do not include many keywords as some search engines will ban your website. Also, do not repeat the keyword more than 3 times.
If everything works fine, you will see your meta description appear below your website title in search results. (see the image below)
m3 How to Add Meta Tags to Blogger(Blogspot)?
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